Monday, August 1, 2011

My Day 32 – Jeep Expedition – Snoqualmie Falls, WA

This is how we got around visiting a friend who lives on 60 acres of old growth forest. 

Subject:  My Day 32 – Jeep Expedition – Snoqualmie Falls, WA 
I came off the Haines, Alaska to Bellingham, WA ferry Friday morning and headed directly to Snoqualmie Falls, WA to visit and spend a day or two with my good friend Tim Brown (AKA: Raptor Whisperer).   Today it is Monday, August 1, 2011.  I first met Tim last year while taking a drive to see Snoqualmie Falls.  We became good friends and kept in touch.  Tim was supposed to be one of my Trail Angels when I arrived hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. 
Tim is slowly losing his eyesight due to a genetic eye condition so he is now taking as much advantage of the time he can still see.  According to him his vision is slowly closing in sort of like tunnel vision.  Tim is known as the Raptor Whisperer man  because he is credited with saving countless eagles and other birds of prey by not only restoring their habit but also by placing the animal back in its nest.  Here is a link to one story published:
SAMMAMISH, Wash. -- The American symbol of freedom found itself fighting for its own life on Tuesday.

A bald eagle was grounded along the waters of Pine Lake. A possible mate, perhaps confused, kept watch nearby.

Neighbors rushed to free the frantic bird, which had gotten tangled up in a rope hooked to a dock. The eagle appeared anxious.

That's when Tim Brown stepped in to work his magic.

Brown, a raptor bird specialist, whistled what he calls "an eagle song," and apparently the big bird found comfort in that, if not a bit confused by the sounds. Brown ever so gently draped a blanket over the eagle's head.

"When you hood a bird or put (something) over their eyes or so forth, they calm right down," Brown said. "See how the bird is listening to our voices? Calmed down."

It took a few minutes to unwind the rope that had tightened around one of the eagle's talons, but the bird let Brown work it out.

"Hey buddy, sorry you're all wet there," Brown said.

A dead duck was found in the eagle's grasp, apparently its dinner for the night.

"That grip there -- they're very powerful," said Brown.

The eagle likely got into trouble bringing its prey ashore. The bird, which appeared to be 6 or 7 years old, was taken to a veterinarian's office in Bellevue to be checked out, and then transferred to the Sarvey Wildlife Center in Arlington.

The potential of a broken bone was the biggest concern.

"I'm 99.9 percent sure this bird is OK, but it's nice to get these things checked out," said Brown.

For area residents, seeing Brown work proved to be an amazing opportunity.

"Absolutely awesome," said Polly Ek. "He whistled and calmed the bird down. It was like watching Doctor Doolittle; the bird immediately relaxed. He said that the bird knew he was a friend."

On Wednesday morning, officials at the Sarvey Wildlife Center said the eagle would likely be in rehabilitation there for about a week.

They said the animal has bruising on its leg where the rope was tangled, but otherwise the bird is looking healthy.
Today I headed to Seattle to visit with my Doctor son who is working at the Swedish Medical Center.  After eating Ethiopian food locally we headed down to the water for a kayak tour of American lake.  It was a great way to exercise and see the houseboats like the one that appeared in Sleepless in Seattle.  Following the kayak tour we visited Ivar’s for happy hour. 
Tomorrow we are heading to Mt. Rainier and the following day I leave Washington and head down to Oregon.  See you on the mountain! 

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